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Updated: Jul 6, 2020

HELLO EVERYONE Time just flew, it's been a half of year since we published 5th issue. We have finally done all the shoots in Berlin, London, Seoul and Tokyo since June.During that time, we met some great artists and someone again for the next edition.

For sure, you will be surprised by the next line-up. We guess that people concerned will be more surprised than our readers because cover line-up from three big agency in Asia and that's first line-up in the same magazine. 皆様お久しぶりです。BOURGEOIS 5TH ISSUEの発売から半年が経ちました。つい最近のことのようですが、あっという間に月日が経過したように感じています。さて、日頃SNSを拝見されている方は既にご存知かもしれませんが、ようやく6TH ISSUEの撮影を全て終えました。6月のベルリンから始まり、ロンドン、ソウル、東京と4カ国の首都を世界中の魅力あるアーティストの方々と多くの出会いや再会がありました。


BOURGEOIS 6th issue

3 themes and 3types of covers -NEW GENERATION(新世代) BOY from Japan -COME BACK(初心/復活) GIRL from South Korea -BEYOND(枠を超える)BOY from Japan

BOURGEOIS 6th issue from Tokyo/London/Berlin/Seoul.

We are featuring NEW GENERATION artists who goes BEYOND national borders and they tell you the importance of COME BACK about your starting point.Try new tings for making New BOURGEOIS. As you all know 5th cover, Tomohisa Yamashita is worldwide artists who minds try new things no matter where he is. New cover musicians from the biggest agencies from Asia has the same mind, and they have a potential to be like him. With all our gratitude, we will give you new BOURGEOIS.


It will be out in Asia, Euro and US in January, 2020.

We will let you know more info on 1st December.

See you soon!




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