BOURGEOIS is an independent magazine based in Tokyo and London founded by YUSUKE.D.MARIA when he was 23 years old.
In the generation where Social Media is so accessible, people can easily communicate with a smart phone in one hand, allowing them to the internet about anything at any time. We should not be influenced only by the things we see and hear that are a mixture of truths and lies. It is true that you can only feel the reality of nature, people, cities, arts, and music by experiencing them directly for yourself. To the next generations especially, I want them to spend their money on real life experiences rather than just on material goods. The reason why people around the world are interested in Tokyo and London is because of the multi- cultural diversity. I would like to share my own experiences and thought through this magazine and to become the bridge between Tokyo and London.
Editor-in-Chief YUSUKE.D.MARIA
BOURGEOIS TOKYOxLONDON CULTURE MAGAZINE(ブルジョワトウキョウロンドンカルチャーマガジン)は2015年、当時編集長のYUSUKE.D.MARIAが23歳でロンドンで創刊した日英のバイリンガルマガジン。