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We Never Leave Your Talent


We Never Leave Your Talent



The Japanese public puts a great deal of emphasis on what the reputation of someone or something is. Once something or someone has gained a bad reputation, it’s very hard for that to be forgotten about or repaired. However, the Japanese tend to hold admiration for American or British celebrities and artists who are full of gossip. I think there are many other cultures and countries who admire this glamorous and extraordinary Hollywood and “celebrity culture” lifestyle, but the Japanese can accept a foreigner's gossip but not Japanese. Have you ever thought about why this happens?

大きく関係するのは世間の見方。TV ニュースや週刊誌で毎日のように情報が流れる世界で誰もが真実や偽り関係なく信じ込み、一度は世間で持ち上げられるだけ持ち上げられても、落とす時はとことん落とすのがゴシップ紙。イギリスではアーティストに恋人がいようが、軽犯罪での逮捕歴があったとしてもファンは簡単には離れることはない。なぜなら彼らの才能に惚れているからだ。彼らが素晴らしいパフォーマンスをし続ける限り、ファンは応援し続ける。いや、離れたくても離れられないのかもしれない。一方、日本はどうだろうか?

The viewpoint from Japanese society has been related greatly with this matter. In today’s society, information and news is readily available and accessible via TV, radio, printed publications and the internet, and the Japanese tend to believe what is reported by these different media outlets, regardless of whether it is true or false. In Japan, if a popular celebrity is being gossiped about, the Japanese media will waste no time in coming down hard on that person. However, in the UK for example, even if an artist has a boyfriend or a girlfriend, or even has a minor conviction from the police, their fans would still continue to support the artist and remain as fans. Since what is most important to them is the singer’s talent and as long as they are continually entertained by the singer’s music and performances then nothing else matters. It’s ironic that even if we condemn celebrities and ‘celebrity culture’, in the end, there is still an impulse to know more about them and admire them, which really speaks to their appeal as a celebrity. Being a celebrity and being constantly judged and gossiped about them can never be separated from each other. What about Japan?

一度メディアから消えるとファン離れが激しいように伺える。「あなたはどうして彼らが好きなの?」と聞かれたらその答えにも関係するのだろう。僕の大好きなアーティストの PETE DOHERTY(ピート・ドハーティー)と元彼女でトップモデルのKATE MOSS(ケイト・モス)は最高で最悪のカップル。彼らの私生活は荒れており薬物や破天荒な生活が尽きないが、離れられない大きな理由がある。それは正に彼らに惹きつけられる魅力と才能だ。それは僕には持っていない彼らにしかないもの。ピートはアーティストとして素晴らしい音楽センスを持っている。彼が作るメロディーや詞は彼自身にしかないものであり、それは彼の荒れ狂った生活があるからできた音楽でもある。何度捕まろうが何度でも私たちは彼を待ち、彼は私たちの前に戻ってくる。ケイトも同じだ。彼女はこれまで見たモデルで最高のモデルである。数々の遍歴と薬物で荒れた生活を送っていたが、仕事に関してはプロフェッショナルであり、僕たちを裏切ることは絶対にない。彼女はエレガンスなスタイルはもちろん、グランジやバッ ドガールなテイストでモデルをさせれば彼女の右に出るものはいないだろう。

Once a celebrity is away from the media spotlight then their fans start to look elsewhere. How would you answer this question; “why do you like this artist/celebrity?” My favourite celebrities are Pete Doherty from the English rock band, The Libertines, and his ex-girlfriend Kate Moss, a top model. They are my favourite two. Despite their frequently publicised drug addiction problems and other controversial behaviour that surrounds both of them, the reason why I remain their fan is truly because of their talent. Talent that I lack, of but they have. Pete, as a recording artist, has an amazing musical sense. His melodies and lyrics can’t be written by anyone else as they are a reflection of him and his own unique life. It doesn’t matter if he is constantly arrested over and over again; we will still be his fans, will always stand by him and wait for his return to the stage. The same goes for Kate as well. She is the best and also worst model I have ever seen. Although she has had a rough time in terms of her personal life and drug problems, her attitude towards modelling and her work has always been very professional. She has never let us down. Whilst her elegant style is charming, no one is better than Kate at modelling and portraying grunge and a bad-girl style.

彼らから感じるのはメリットがあれば同じようにデメリットが比例するということ。例えば好きなアーティストが悪いことをしているから同じことをしてしまう人 も多いであろう。逆に日本人のようにイメージばかり気にすると幅広い世界を僕らに魅せることはできない。何が一番良いのか悪いのかそこに正解はない。ただ最後に僕が一つ言えることは唯一無二の才能に惚れてしまうと離れることは絶対にできないということだ。

Of course being too image conscious and celebrity obsessed has its downsides. Some people might mess with drugs or break the law just because they want to copy their favourite celebrity’s style or behaviour. In a country like Japan where your reputation and image is everything, a celebrity can never fully express him or herself freely as they would like to the world. Who can say what is right or wrong, as there are both advantages and disadvantages in everything. The one thing I can definitely say is once we fall in love with someone's unique talent, we never leave them.



3年前に出版したBOURGEOIS 1st issueは現在も一部書店とオンラインストアで販売中です。本日から500円引きでの発売が始まるので、この機会によかったら購入してみてください。ロンドンに興味がある方やこれから行こうと思っている方には是非読んでいただきたい一冊になっております。

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